9.5. Limits

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Two header files <float.h> and <limits.h> define several implementation specific limits.

9.5.1. Limits.h

Table 9.1 gives the names declared, the allowable values, and a comment on what they mean. For example, the description of SHRT_MIN shows that in a given implementation the value must be less than or equal to −32767: this means that for maximum portability a program cannot rely on short variables being able to hold values more negative than −32767. Implementations may choose to support values which are more negative but must provide support for at least −32767.

NameAllowable valueComment
CHAR_BIT (≥8) bits in a char
CHAR_MAX see note max value of a char
CHAR_MIN see note min value of a char
INT_MAX (≥+32767) max value of an int
INT_MIN (≤−32767) min value of an int
LONG_MAX (≥+2147483647) max value of a long
LONG_MIN (≤−2147483647) min value of a long
MB_LEN_MAX (≥1) max number of bytes in a multibyte character
SCHAR_MAX (≥+127) max value of a signed char
SCHAR_MIN (≤−127) min value of a signed char
SHRT_MAX (≥+32767) max value of a short
SHRT_MIN (≤−32767) min value of a short
UCHAR MAX (≥255U) max value of an unsigned char
UINT_MAX (≥65535U) max value of an unsigned int
ULONG_MAX (≥4294967295U) max value of an unsigned long
USHRT_MAX (≥65535U) max value of an unsigned short
Note: if the implementation treats chars as signed, then the values of CHAR_MAX and CHAR_MIN are the same as the equivalent SCHAR versions. If not, then the value of CHAR_MIN is zero and the value of CHAR_MAX is equal to the value of UCHAR_MAX.
Table 9.1. <limits.h>

9.5.2. Float.h

For floating point numbers, the file <float.h> contains a similar set of minimum values. (It is assumed that where no minimum value is specified, there is either no minimum, or the value depends on another value.)

Name Allowable value Comment
FLT_RADIX (≥2) the radix of exponent representation
DBL_DIG (≥10) the number of digits of precision in a double
DBL_EPSILON (≤1E−9) minimum positive number such that 1.0 + x ≠ 1.0
DBL_MANT_DIG (—) the number of base FLT_RADIX digits in the mantissa part of a double
DBL_MAX (≥1E+37) max value of a double
DBL_MAX_10_EXP (≥+37) max value of exponent (base 10) of a double
DBL_MAX_EXP (—) max value of exponent (base FLT_RADIX)) of a double
DBL_MIN (≤1E−37) min value of a double
DBL_MIN_10_EXP (≤37) minimum value of exponent (base 10) of a double
DBL_MIN_EXP (—) min value of exponent part of a double (base FLT_RADIX)
FLT_DIG (≥6) the number of digits of precision in a float
FLT_EPSILON (≤1E−5) minimum positive number such that 1.0 + x ≠ 1.0
FLT_MANT_DIG (—) the number of base FLT_RADIX digits in the mantissa of a float
FLT_MAX (≥1E+37) max value of a float
FLT_MAX_10_EXP (≥+37) max value (base 10) of exponent part of a float
FLT_MAX_EXP (—) max value (base FLT_RADIX) of exponent part of a float
FLT_MIN (≤1E−37) min value of a float
FLT_MIN_10_EXP (≤−37) min value (base 10) of exponent part of a float
FLT_MIN_EXP (—) min value (base FLT_RADIX) of exponent part of a float

affects rounding of floating point addition:

towards zero
to nearest
towards +infinity
towards -infinity

any other value is implementation defined.

LDBL_DIG (≥10) the number of digits of precision in a long double
LDBL_EPSILON (≤1E−9) minimum positive number such that 1.0 + x ≠= 1.0
LDBL_MANT_DIG (—) the number of base FLT_RADIX digits in the mantissa part of a long double
LDBL_MAX (≥1E+37) max value of a long double
LDBL_MAX_10_EXP (≥+37) max value of exponent (base 10) of a long double
LDBL_MAX_EXP (—) max value of exponent (base FLT_RADIX) of a long double
LDBL_MIN (≤1E−37) minimum value of a long double
LDBL_MIN_10_EXP (≤−37) min value of exponent part (base 10) of a long double
LDBL_MIN_EXP (—) min value of exponent part of a long double (base FLT_RADIX)
Table 9.2. <float.h>

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